Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need Pet Health Insurance?
The Vetsecure program gives peace of mind to pet parents across Canada. It provides 4 weeks of insurance, compliments of Petsecure, providing financial assistance with unexpected medical expenses due to any accident or illness. This allows new pet parents the ability to make healthcare decisions based on what is best for their pet, not financial costs.
What do I do with the Vetsecure trial?
From the time you adopt the newest member of your family, you have 10 days to activate your trial and begin coverage. We recommend you activate it as soon as they get home. You can do this by going online at or by calling us toll free at 1-800-268-1169. Once the voucher is activated, your new pet is protected for 4 weeks. A welcome package will be sent to you which includes the Terms, Conditions and Benefits of your coverage, a claim form and a brochure outlining our Secure For Lifeā¢ plans.
What happens if my pet has an accident or illness?
The first thing you should do is see your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Once your pet is properly diagnosed and treated, you can mail us your receipts and completed claim form and we will reimburse you for the appropriate amount.
How do I make a claim for my pet?
After your pet receives treatment from a licensed veterinarian, complete a claim form and send it along with copies of your receipts, to our mailing address:
Petsecure Pet Health Insurance,
200 - 1200 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB, R3G 0T5.
What happens after the 4 week trial ends?
You can contact us at any time during the 4 week trial to extend your pet's policy. We will waive the $15 enrollment fee and 48 hour waiting period for accidents and illness when you continue your pet's coverage before the trial expires. If we don't hear from you, the trial coverage will automatically end in 4 weeks.